A bewildering trek into the nature of reality.

The Vessel Project is a collection of essays about weird armchair theories and this weirder thing called the human experience.




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Why all the talk about quantum annealing?

Our universe behaves like it emerges from quantum annealing - a type of quantum computing.


Like quantum annealing, our universe always trends toward equilibrium; the fundamental fabric of our universe - called a conformal field theory - matches the same math behind quantum annealing; and our universe behaves like it exists on superconducting material - the same material used in a quantum annealer.


Human brains exhibit the same statistical properties as quantum annealing. Neural networks called Boltzmann machines also exhibit these properties, and they use the same math as quantum annealing. Quantum versions of Boltzmann machines can be created through quantum annealing, which could explain how human cognition forms and why we observe these similarities.


DNA programming can be achieved in quantum annealing; a broad range of biology exhibits the same statistical properties as quantum annealing, including genomics, cellular biology, ecology, and evolution; and challenges to current evolutionary models can be resolved under the framework of quantum annealing.

Our universe also behaves like a quantum annealer that is configured to maximize reward opportunity — but you’ll need to keep reading for that.

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